rambling ['ræm.blɪŋ] adjective TALK 说 ■too long and confused 杂乱无章的;冗长芜杂的;漫无边际的•a long rambling speech冗长而不着边际的讲话 ['ræm.blɪŋ] adjective SPREADING 延伸 ■large and spreading out in many different directions 向四处延伸的;蔓延到很大区域的;蔓生的•a rambling rose蔓生的蔷薇 •a rambling old house一座格局凌乱的老宅 ['ræm.blɪŋ] noun uncountable WALKING 散步 ■the activity of going for long walks in the countryside (尤指在乡间)漫步,漫游,闲逛 ['ræm.blɪŋ] noun uncountable SPEECH/WRITING 话/文字 ramblings [plural] ■long and confused speech or writing 杂乱无章的话(或文字);冗长芜杂的文字;漫无边际的闲扯 |