ram [ræm] verb intransitive or transitive (-mm-) ■to hit or push something with force 猛撞,猛击;塞进•Someone rammed (into) my car while it was parked outside my house.我的汽车停在家门外时,被别人开车撞了一下。 •He rammed the sweets/his pipe into his mouth.他把糖/烟斗塞进嘴里。 •I rammed down the soil around the fence post.我把篱笆桩周围的土夯实。 •The prisoners who were being force-fed had tubes rammed down their throats.被强行喂食的犯人们都在喉咙里插进了管子。 •She slammed the door and rammed home the bolt (= closed it forcefully and completely).她猛地关上门,用力把门闩插上。 [ræm] verb intransitive or transitive (-mm-) ram sth down sb's throat ■to force someone who disagrees with you to listen to your opinions 迫使(某人)接受,强行向(某人)灌输(不同的观点)•For years I've had his political views rammed down my throat.多少年来,他一直向我灌输他的政治观点。 [ræm] verb intransitive or transitive (-mm-) ram sth home ■to emphasize the importance of what you are saying in order to make certain people understand it 强调…以使人理解;充分说明•He thumped the desk as he rammed his point home.他在强调要点时捶了一下桌子。 [ræm] verb intransitive or transitive (-mm-) Phrasal Verbs ram sth into sb ■to force someone to accept an idea, opinion or principle 迫使(某人)接受;向(某人)强行灌输•It's time someone rammed a bit of sense into you.早就该给你当头一棒,让你理智一些。 [ræm] noun countable ANIMAL 动物 ■an adult male sheep which can breed 公羊 [ræm] noun countable EQUIPMENT 装置 (also battering ram) ■a piece of equipment used to hit something and force it open or break it 攻城槌;撞击装置•They used a ram to break down the door.他们用攻城槌撞开了门。 ■a moving part in a machine which puts pressure or force on something 撞锤,冲压机 |