flap [flæp] verb (-pp-) WAVE 挥动 intransitive or transitive ■to wave something, especially wings when or as if flying 振(翅);扑打翅膀;拍打,摆动•A small bird flapped its wings furiously and flew upwards.一只小鸟用力扑动翅膀,向上飞去。 •Flags flapped in the breeze above their tents.微风中,旗子在他们帐篷上方飘动。 [flæp] verb (-pp-) BEHAVE NERVOUSLY 表现慌张 intransitive informal ■to behave in a nervous and excited way 激动;焦躁•Don't flap - there's plenty of time to cook before they arrive.别慌,在他们到来之前还有充裕的时间准备饭菜。 •Stop flapping about/around !别慌里慌张的! [flæp] noun ADDITIONAL PIECE 附加的一片 countable ■a piece of cloth or other material fixed along one edge, especially used for covering or closing something 袋盖;口盖•a pocket flap口袋的袋盖 •a tent flap (= a piece of cloth which acts like a door)帐篷门帘 •A small flap of skin can be seen above the wound.可以看到伤口上结了一小块皮痂。 [flæp] noun NERVOUS STATE 紧张状态 only singular informal ■a state of nervous excitement 紧张兴奋•She's in a flap because her parents are coming to visit.因为父母要来看她,她心情又激动又慌乱。 [flæp] noun AIRCRAFT PART 飞机部件 countable specialized ■part of the back of an aircraft wing which can be moved up or down to help the aircraft go up or down (飞机的)襟翼,副翼,阻力板 [flæp] noun WAVE 挥动 countable ■when a bird waves its wings when flying, or when something else moves in this way 振(翅);扑打翅膀;拍打,摆动•A few flaps of its long wings and the bird was gone.那只鸟扑动了几下长翅,就飞得看不见了。 |