tragic ['trædʒ.ɪk] adjective ADVANCED ■very sad, often involving death and suffering 哀痛的;悲惨的•His friends were deeply shocked and saddened by the tragic news of his death.朋友得知他不幸去世的消息都深感震惊和哀痛。 •The bomb explosion resulted in a tragic loss of life.炸弹爆炸造成人员丧生的惨剧。 •Hospital authorities admitted that a tragic mistake/error had taken place.医院管理方承认出现了造成悲惨后果的错误/失误。 •It is tragic that the theatre has had to close.不幸的是,这家剧院不得不关闭。 ■belonging or relating to literature about death or suffering 悲剧的•During his acting career, he has played all Shakespeare's great tragic heroes.在他的演员生涯中,他扮演过莎士比亚戏剧中所有著名的悲剧主人翁。 |