torrent UK ['tɒr.ənt] US ['tɔ:r-] noun only singular ■a sudden large or too large amount, especially one which seems to be uncontrollable (尤指似乎无法控制的)狂潮,迸发•He let out a torrent of abuse/angry words.他连珠炮地说了一大堆谩骂/生气的话。 •They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.他们担心如果不进行控制,这些川流不息/涓涓细流般/源源不断的游客会汇集成一股难以应付的洪流。 countable ■a large amount of water that is moving quickly 洪流;激流•Heavy rainfall turned the river into a rushing/raging torrent.大雨将河水变成了汹涌的激流。 torrents [plural] ■large amounts 大量•torrents of rain倾盆大雨 •The rain came down/fell in torrents.大雨倾盆而下。 •We have received torrents of letters/requests/criticism.我们收到了潮水般涌来的信件/请求/批评。 |