timeless ['taɪm.ləs] adjective NOT CHANGING 不会改变的 ■describes something that does not change as the years go past 不受时间影响的;永恒的•The city has a timeless quality as if it had existed forever.该市具有一种永恒的品质,似乎它恒古以来就存在。 ['taɪm.ləs] adjective NOT LIMITED 没有限制的 ■having a value that is not limited to a particular period but will last forever 不朽的;永恒的;永不过时的•a timeless book/play/film/classic一部流传百世的书/戏剧/电影/经典作品 •timeless values/questions永恒的价值/问题 •Rothko's paintings have a timeless quality.罗思科的绘画作品具有永恒不变的品质。 |