alert UK [ə'lɜ:t] US [-'lɝ:t] adjective ADVANCED ■quick to see, understand and act in a particular situation 机警的,机敏的,敏捷的•I'm not feeling very alert today - not enough sleep last night!今天我感觉特别迟钝——昨晚没睡好! •A couple of alert readers wrote in to the paper pointing out the mistake.有几个眼尖的读者给报社写信,指出了这个错误。 •Parents should be alert to sudden changes in children's behaviour.父母应该对孩子行为的突然变化有所警觉。 UK [ə'lɜ:t] US [-'lɝ:t] noun countable or uncountable ADVANCED ■a warning to people to be prepared to deal with something dangerous 警报•a bomb alert炸弹警报 •The army was put on (full) alert as the peace talks began to fail.当和谈快要破裂的时候,军队进入(全面)戒备状态。 •The public were warned to be on the alert for (= watching carefully for) suspicious packages.有关部门提醒公众,要对可疑包裹加以警惕。 UK [ə'lɜ:t] US [-'lɝ:t] verb transitive ■to warn someone of a possibly dangerous situation 使警觉,使警惕;向…发出警报•An anonymous letter alerted police to the possibility of a terrorist attack at the airport.有人给警方写了一封匿名信,警告机场可能会受到恐怖袭击。 |