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单词 thing
释义 thing
[θɪŋ] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■used to refer in an approximate way to an object or to avoid naming it 物,东西
What's that thing over there?那边的是甚么东西?
There are some nice things in the shops this summer.今年夏天商店里有些好东西。
I don't eat sweet things (= sweet food).我不吃甜食。
How does this damn thing work?这鬼东西怎么用?
things [plural]
■your possessions or a particular set of your possessions 财产;(个人的)所有物,用具
All their things were destroyed in the fire.他们的所有东西都被大火烧掉了。
Bring your swimming things if the weather's nice.如果天气好,带上你的游泳用品。
■a particular set of objects 成套物品
Let me help you clear away the tea things (= cups, plates, etc. that are used for having tea).我来帮你收拾茶具。
[θɪŋ] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■used to refer in an approximate way to an idea, subject, event, action, etc 想法;主题;事件;行为
That was an unkind thing to say.那样说是不友好的。
I've got so many things to do I don't know where to start.我有许多事情要做,都不知道从何下手。
Your information is correct but you left out one thing.你的消息是正确的,不过你遗漏了一件事。
"What's the matter?" "It's this insurance thing. I'm really worried about it."“怎么回事?”“是保险这事。我真的很担心。”
the thing
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■the exact fact, object, idea, event, etc 事实(东西、想法、事件等)本身
Your letter has told me precisely the thing I needed to know.你的信里正好有我想了解的东西。
the real thing
■something which is not false or a copy 真事;真品,非赝品
The fire alarm goes off accidentally so often that when it's the real thing (= when it really does happen) nobody will take any notice.火灾报警器常常瞎响,到时候真的着火时,发警报也没有人会注意了。
the same thing
■the same 同样的事物
Training isn't the same thing as education.训练与教育并不一样。
the whole thing
■everything that has been planned or discussed 一切(计划或讨论过的)事情
Let's call the whole thing off.此事就此作罢吧。
I want to forget the whole thing.我想忘掉这一切。
above all things
■more than everything else 比其他任何事情都重要
I value my freedom above all things.我把自由看得比甚么都重要。
in all things
■in every situation or subject; in everything 在一切事情上;在各种情况下
Be true to yourself in all things.任何时候都要坚持按自己的想法做。
if there's one thing I want to know/find out, etc.
■said before describing what it is that you especially want to know or discover, etc 有一件事我想知道(一种措辞,在说明你特别想知道或发现的事情之前说的)
If there's one thing I want to know, it's where he goes on Thursday afternoons.有一件事我想知道,那就是他每个星期四下午都到哪里去了。
[θɪŋ] noun
 IMPROVER  [plural]
■used to refer to the general situation 情况;形势
Things have been going very well recently.最近情况很好。
it's a good thing
■If it's a good thing that something happened, it is lucky that it happened 幸好
It's a good thing (that) we booked our tickets early.幸好我们早订了票。
the way things are (also as things stand)
■in the present situation 从目前情况来看
The way things are, I'll never have this ready by June.从目前情况来看,我们六月前无法准备好这一切。
[θɪŋ] noun
a thing
 ESSENTIAL  only singular
■used instead of 'anything' or 'everything' to emphasize what you are saying (表示强调)事情,东西
Don't worry about a thing (= anything). I'll take care of it.甚么事情也不要操心,我会料理好一切。
not a (single) thing
■not anything 没有任何东西
After the guests had gone, there wasn't a thing left to eat.客人走后,一点食物都没剩。
not have a thing to wear (also have nothing to wear) humorous
■to have no clothes that are suitable for an occasion 没有合适的衣服可穿
I'm going to a wedding on Saturday and I don't have a thing to wear.我周六要去参加一个婚礼,可没有合适的衣服可穿。
there isn't a thing you can do
■you cannot do anything 无能为力;无计可施
He broke his promise and there wasn't a thing we could do about it.他不履行诺言,对此我们无计可施。
[θɪŋ] noun
a/one thing
only singular
■used to talk about a particular action, agreement, etc. 一种事;这种事(用于谈论某一特殊行动、协议等)
I went by plane, a thing I hardly ever do.我是乘飞机去的——我很少这样。
One thing you'll have to agree to is working in the evenings.有件你必须同意的事,就是你得在晚上工作。
the... thing
 ESSENTIAL  only singular
■used to make noun phrases with particular adjectives and adverbs (构成带有特定形容词和副词的名词短语)
The first thing (to do) is to write your name at the top of the page.首先要做的就是把你的名字写在这一页的上方。
[θɪŋ] noun
for one thing
■used to introduce a reason for something 首先;一方面
"Why won't you come to New York with me?" "For one thing, I don't like flying, and for another, I can't afford it."“你为甚么不跟我到纽约来?”“首先,我不喜欢坐飞机;再者,我买不起机票。”
[θɪŋ] noun
■used after an adjective to refer to a person or animal with love or sympathy 人,家伙,东西(指人或动物,带有疼爱或怜悯的感情色彩)
The poor things were kept in small cages without room to move.这些可怜的东西都被关在小笼子里,连动一动的空间都没有。
[as form of address] You lucky thing winning a car.你这走运的家伙,竟然赢了一辆汽车。
[θɪŋ] noun
a close/near thing UK (mainly US a close call)
■something which almost happened 几乎发生的事
The car just missed the child but it was a very close thing.汽车差点撞着小孩,就差那么一点点。
[θɪŋ] noun
all things being equal
■if everything happens as expected 如果一切照常;如果一切顺利
All things being equal, I'll be at home on Tuesday.如果一切顺利,我星期二就能回家。
[θɪŋ] noun
all things considered
■Someone might say that something is good all things considered to mean it was generally good although the situation was not perfect 考虑到所有因素,总的说来
I think the party was great, all things considered - I mean we didn't have much time to prepare and no help, but it still went well.总的说来,我认为晚会是成功的——我指的是我们没有多少时间准备,没人帮忙,但仍然一切顺利。
[θɪŋ] noun
all things to all men / people
■If you try to be all things to all men/people, you try to do things which will please everyone. 使人人满意;八面玲珑
[θɪŋ] noun
and another thing
■used to introduce one more in a series of arguments or complaints 再者,此外
And another thing, why didn't you tell me you were going out?还有,当时你为甚么不告诉我你要出去?
[θɪŋ] noun
a thing of the past
■something which no longer happens 往事
Giving up your seat to an older person seems to be a thing of the past.现在好像很少人给老人让座了。
[θɪŋ] noun
a thing or two
■some matters, facts or information 一些事情;些许知识,一星半点
I'm having trouble paying attention - I have a thing or two on my mind.我现在很难集中注意力——我心里有事。
Why don't you ask Andrew about it? He knows a thing or two about (= has some knowledge of) computers.这个问题为甚么不问问安德鲁?他懂点电脑。
She thinks she knows everything about raising children, but I could tell her a thing or two (= some information she does not know).她觉得自己对于养育孩子样样精通,不过我倒可以让她见识一二。
[θɪŋ] noun
be hearing/imagining/seeing things informal
■to think you are experiencing something which is not really happening 产生幻觉
I'm sure I saw my glasses on this table, but they're not here now. I must have been seeing things.我肯定看见我的眼镜在桌子上,可是现在不在这里。我一定是产生幻觉了。
[θɪŋ] noun
be one thing after another (also be one thing after the other)
■You say that it is one thing after another/the other when many things are happening in a short time 事情一件接一件
I've been so busy today. It's been one thing after another.今天我忙得不可开交,事情一件接着一件。
[θɪŋ] noun
be on to a good thing informal
■to have an easy and pleasant life or job in which it is not necessary to work hard 过上舒心的日子;找到好工作
He's on to a good thing, he has free accommodation in return for answering the phone when the family are out.他可交了好运,只不过是在房东一家外出时接接电话就让他免了住宿费。
[θɪŋ] noun
do your own thing informal
■to do what you want without worrying about what anyone else thinks of you 按照自己的方式做事,走自己的路
[θɪŋ] noun
does things to you informal
■Something or someone that does things to you has a strong, usually enjoyable, effect on you 使震撼,深深打动
That music really does things to me.那音乐深深打动了我。
[θɪŋ] noun
have a thing about sth/sb informal
■to like or dislike something or someone very much 非常喜欢…;特别讨厌…
Ben's got a thing about Triumph motorbikes - he's got three of them.本特别喜欢“凯旋”牌摩托车——他已经有三辆。
thing 1




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