task UK [tɑ:sk] US [tæsk] noun WORK 工作 ESSENTIAL countable ■a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly or with difficulty 任务;(尤指经常、不情愿或很难做的)工作;(苦)差事•We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.我们通常让接受面试人士在电脑上进行一些简单操作,只想测测他们的能力。 •The government now faces the daunting task of restructuring the entire health service.政府现在面临重新改组整个医疗卫生体系的艰巨任务。
UK [tɑ:sk] US [tæsk] noun SPEAK ANGRILY 怒斥 take sb to task ■to criticize or speak angrily to someone for something that they have done wrong 责备(某人)•She took her assistant to task for/over her carelessness.她责备助手太粗心大意。
UK [tɑ:sk] US [tæsk] verb transitive usually passive ■to give someone a task 派给…任务•We have been tasked with setting up camps for refugees.我们接到了建难民营的任务。 |