cause UK [kɔ:z] US [kɑ:z] noun REASON 原因 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■the reason why something, especially something bad, happens (尤指不好的事情发生的)原因,起因•The police are still trying to establish the cause of the fire.警方仍在努力调查失火的原因。 •She had died of natural causes.她是自然死亡。 •I wouldn't tell you without (good)cause (= if there was not a (good) reason).没有(正当的)理由,我是不会告诉你的。 •I believe we have/there is just cause (= a fair reason) for taking this action.我认为我们采取这样的行动有正当的理由。 uncountable ■a reason to feel something or to behave in a particular way 理由;根据;缘故•He's never given me any cause for concern.他从未让我担心过。 UK [kɔ:z] US [kɑ:z] noun PRINCIPLE 原则 ADVANCED countable ■a socially valuable principle which is strongly supported by some people (为某些人所强烈支持的)原则,事业,目标•They are fighting for a cause - the liberation of their people.他们正为解放人民这一事业而战斗。 •I'll sponsor you for £10 - it's all in a good cause.我资助你十英镑——这都是为了做正经事嘛。 UK [kɔ:z] US [kɑ:z] verb transitive ESSENTIAL ■to make something happen, especially something bad 使(不好的事情)发生;造成,导致•The difficult driving conditions caused several accidents.艰难的驾驶条件引发了好几次意外。 •[+ obj + to infinitive] The bright light caused her to blink.明亮的光线刺得她直眨眼睛。 •Most heart attacks are caused by blood clots.大多数心脏病都是由于血液凝块所致。 •[+ two objects] I hope the children haven't caused you too much trouble.我希望孩子没有给你添了太多麻烦。 UK [kɒz] US [kɑ:z] conjunction informal ■because 因为,由于•I'll host the party cause I've got plenty of room at my house.因为我家地方大,所以将由我来举办宴会。 •I try to practise my French every day, cause I'm not very good at it.我的法语不太好,所以我尽可能地天天练习。 |