squat UK [skwɒt] US [skwɑ:t] verb (-tt-) SIT 坐 intransitive ■to position yourself close to the ground balancing on the front part of your feet with your legs bent under your body 蹲,蹲坐•She squatted on the ground and warmed her hands by the fire.她蹲在地上,伸出双手烤火。 •He squatted down and examined the front wheel of his bike.他蹲下身来,检查脚踏车的前轮。 UK [skwɒt] US [skwɑ:t] verb (-tt-) LIVE 住 intransitive or transitive ■to live in an empty building or area of land without the permission of the owner 擅自占用(空房或空地);偷住•They squatted (in)an old house in King's Cross when their money ran out.他们钱花光后,就偷偷住进了国王十字车站的一处旧房子里。 UK [skwɒt] US [skwɑ:t] adjective (squatter, squattest) ■short and wide, usually in a way that is not attractive 低矮的;矮墩墩的,矮胖的•a row of ugly squat houses一排低矮难看的房子 •a heavily-built squat man矮胖的男人 UK [skwɒt] US [skwɑ:t] noun SITTING 坐 countable ■a squatting position or exercise 蹲坐;蹲伏 UK [skwɒt] US [skwɑ:t] noun PLACE TO LIVE 居所 countable ■the place that you live in when you are squatting 擅自占用的地方;偷住的房子•They're living in a damp squat with no electricity.他们偷住在一处空房子里,既潮湿又没有电。 UK [skwɒt] US [skwɑ:t] noun ANYTHING 任何事物 uncountable US slang ■anything 任何东西•She shouldn't talk - she doesn't know squat about it.她不该说话——她甚么都不懂。 •His opinion isn't worth squat.他的看法一文不值。 |