spray [spreɪ] noun LIQUID 液体 ADVANCED uncountable ■a mass of very small drops of liquid carried in the air 浪花;水花;飞沫•Can you feel the spray from the sea/waterfall?你能感觉到海上的浪花/瀑布溅起的水雾吗? ADVANCED countable ■a liquid which is forced out of a special container under pressure so that it becomes a mass of small liquid drops like a cloud 喷雾;喷雾状液体•a quick spray of perfume/polish快速喷洒出的香水/上光剂 countable ■a mass of small drops of liquid scattered onto plants and crops, etc. from a special piece of equipment, or the piece of equipment itself (洒在植物、农作物等上的)喷剂;喷雾器•Farmers use a lot of chemical sprays on crops.农场主们在农作物上喷了很多化学药剂。 [spreɪ] noun FLOWERS 花 countable ■a single small branch or stem with leaves and flowers on it 一枝小花•All the wedding guests wore sprays of carnations.所有参加婚礼的来宾都戴着小枝康乃馨。 [spreɪ] verb intransitive or transitive [usually + adv/prep] ADVANCED ■to spread liquid in small drops over an area 喷洒•[R] She sprayed herself with perfume.她往身上喷了些香水。 •Vandals had sprayed graffiti on the wall.破坏公物的人在墙上乱涂乱画。 •The pipe burst and water was spraying everywhere.水管爆裂,水喷得到处都是。 •figurative Rush hour commuters were sprayed with bullets by a gunman in a car.交通尖峰时段,一辆车上的持枪歹徒对上下班的人们一阵扫射。 |