characteristic UK [ˌkær.ɪk.tə'rɪs.tɪk] US [ˌker-] noun countable ADVANCED ■a typical or noticeable quality of someone or something 特色,特点,特征•Unfortunately a big nose is a family characteristic.不幸的是,大鼻子是家族特征。 •Sentimentality seems a characteristic of all the writers of that period.多愁善感似乎是那个时期所有作家的特征。 •The male bird displays (= has) several characteristics which distinguish him from the female.雄鸟有几个有别于雌鸟的特征。 UK [ˌkær.ɪk.tə'rɪs.tɪk] US [ˌker-] adjective ■typical of a person or thing 特有的,典型的•With the hospitality so characteristic of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests.这些人生性好客,他们敞开家门接待了五十多位客人。 •She behaved with characteristic dignity.她表现出自己特有的尊严。 •The creamy richness is characteristic of the cheese from this region.有着浓郁的奶香是该地区出产的起司的特色。 |