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单词 spit
释义 spit
[spɪt] verb (spitting, spat or US ALSO spit, spat or US ALSO spit)
 ADVANCED  intransitive or transitive
■to force out the contents of the mouth, especially saliva 唾,吐(尤指唾液)
Bob Ewell spat contemptuously right in the lawyer's face.鲍勃‧尤厄尔轻蔑地朝律师脸上吐了口唾沫。
He spat the meat out in disgust.他厌恶地把肉吐了出来。
They bought watermelons and ate them as they walked, spitting out the seeds.他们买了西瓜,边走边吃,一路吐着西瓜籽。
intransitive or transitive literary
■to say or shout words quickly and angrily 怒斥,厉声说出
[+ speech] 'Get out!' she spat, when Ace appeared in the doorway.埃斯出现在门口时,她厉声说道,“出去!”
■If something hot, such as a fire, spits, it produces short sharp noises and throws out little pieces. (炉火等)劈啪作响,爆出火花
[spɪt] verb (spitting, spat or US ALSO spit, spat or US ALSO spit)
intransitive informal
■to rain very slightly 飘小雨;下毛毛细雨
If it 's only spitting (with rain) , perhaps we don't need waterproofs.如果只是一点毛毛细雨,也许我们不用穿雨衣。
[spɪt] verb (spitting, spat or US ALSO spit, spat or US ALSO spit)
be the spitting image of sb (also be the spit and (image) of sb)
■to look extremely similar to someone 和…极为相似
Josie is the spitting image of her granny at the same age.乔茜和她奶奶当年长得一模一样。
The old man was the (dead) spit of Winston Churchill.那位老人和温斯顿‧邱吉尔长得简直一模一样。
[spɪt] verb (spitting, spat or US ALSO spit, spat or US ALSO spit)
in/within spitting distance informal
■If something is in or within spitting distance, it is very close 非常近;一步之遥
The house is within spitting distance of the sea.这栋房子就在海边。
[spɪt] verb (spitting, spat or US ALSO spit, spat or US ALSO spit)
spit blood/venom (US also spit nails) (Australian also spit tacks)
■to speak in an angry way, or to show anger 怒气冲天(地说);咬牙切齿(地说)
I thought he was going to spit blood when he saw what had happened.我想等他看到发生了甚么事时,一定会破口大骂。
[spɪt] verb (spitting, spat or US ALSO spit, spat or US ALSO spit)
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] spit sth out
■to say something quickly and angrily 厉声说出
He spat out an insult and marched out of the room.他一边大步走出房间,一边骂了句脏话。
Spit it out! informal
■used to tell someone to start speaking or to speak more quickly, when they are unwilling to speak or are speaking slowly 有甚么尽管说出来!爽快点吧!
Come on, spit it out, who told you about this?说吧,爽快点,是谁告诉你这事的?
[spɪt] noun
■a long, thin, metal stick put through a piece of food, especially meat, so that it can be cooked above a fire (用于烧烤食物的)炙叉;(尤指)烤肉叉,烤肉针
Roast the lamb on a spit.把羊肉叉在烤肉叉上烤。
[spɪt] noun
■a long, thin, flat beach which goes out into the sea 岬;沙嘴
[spɪt] noun
uncountable (formal spittle) (Australian informal slag) informal
saliva , especially when it is outside the mouth (尤指吐出的)唾液,口水
She used a little spit on a tissue to wipe the mirror clean.她在纸巾上吐了点口水,把镜子擦拭干净。
[spɪt] noun
spit and polish informal
■careful cleaning and shining 仔细的清洁擦洗
The car needs some spit and polish.这辆汽车需要好好擦洗一下。




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