path UK [pɑ:θ] US [pæθ] noun countable TRACK 小径 IMPROVER ■a route or track between one place and another, or the direction in which something is moving 路,小道,小径•a garden path花园小路 •a concrete path水泥路 •a well-trodden path经常有人走的小路 •This is the path to the cliffs.这条路通向悬崖。 •It will be several days before snowploughs clear a path (through) to the village.要过几天铲雪机才能清出一条通向该村的小路。 •They followed the path until they came to a gate.他们沿着这条路走到了一个大门口。 •A fierce fire is still raging through the forest, burning everything in its path (= as it moves forward).烈火仍在森林中肆虐,将沿途的一切都化为灰烬。 •The Weather Service issues warnings to people in the path of a hurricane (= in the area in which it is moving).国家气象局向身处飓风路径地区的人们发出警告。 •The charged particles move in spiral paths.带电粒子呈螺旋状运动。 •figurative His path through life was never easy.他的人生之路一直不平坦。 UK [pɑ:θ] US [pæθ] noun countable ACTIONS 一系列行动 ADVANCED ■a set of actions, especially ones which lead to a goal or result (尤指达到某一目的或结果的)行动步骤,途径•The path to success is fraught with difficulties.成功之路充满艰辛。 UK [pɑ:θ] US [pæθ] noun countable paths cross ■If two people's paths cross, they meet 遇见,相遇•It was a pleasure meeting you - I hope our paths cross again.很高兴见到你——我希望我们能再次见面。 |