snort UK [snɔ:t] US [snɔ:rt] verb intransitive ■to make an explosive sound by forcing air quickly up or down the nose 喷鼻息,从鼻中喷气作声•He did an impression of a horse snorting.他模仿了马喷鼻息的声音。 •Camille snorts when she laughs.卡米尔大笑的时候鼻腔里会发出怪声。 •informal By this time I was snorting with laughter (= laughing a lot and loudly).这时我不禁扑哧一声笑起来。 transitive ■to take an illegal drug by breathing it in through the nose 用鼻子吸(毒)•People were snorting cocaine in the toilets.人们在厕所里吸古柯碱。 transitive ■to suddenly express strong feelings of anger, disapproval or disagreement, either by speaking or in a sound that you make (表示恼怒、反对或不耐烦)哼,气哼哼地说•"And you call that a first class service?" snorted one indignant customer.“你就把那称作一流服务?”一位愤怒的顾客气冲冲地问道。 UK [snɔ:t] US [snɔ:rt] noun countable ■a loud sound made by forcing air through the nose 鼻息声,喷鼻息,哼声•The minister's speech drew loud snorts of derisive laughter.部长的演讲招来了人们的大声哄笑。 |