sketch [sketʃ] noun countable SIMPLE SHAPE/FORM 简单的形状/形式 ADVANCED ■a simple, quickly-made drawing which does not have many details 草图,速写;素描•My mother made a (pencil) sketch of my brother reading a book.我母亲画了一张我弟弟在读书的(铅笔)素描。 ■a short written or spoken story which does not have many details 短文;短剧 [sketʃ] noun countable HUMOROUS PERFORMANCE 幽默的表演 ■a short humorous part of a longer show on stage, television or radio 幽默短剧,滑稽小品•I thought the sketch about Queen Victoria was very funny.我觉得那部有关维多利亚女王的短剧非常有趣。 [sketʃ] verb intransitive or transitive ■to make a sketch of something (给…)画素描;(为…)画草图•The art students were told to sketch the landscape.艺术专业的学生被告知要画一张实地风景素描。 •When I have some spare time, I like to sketch.有空闲的时候,我喜欢画素描。 •The artist has sketched out a design for the new school.这位艺术家已勾勒出了新学校的设计图。 [sketʃ] verb intransitive or transitive Phrasal Verbs sketch sth out ■to give a short description of something, containing few details 概述;草拟;勾勒•She sketched out the plan in a few brief sentences.她用寥寥几句话概述了计划的进行。 |