sharply UK ['ʃɑ:.pli] US ['ʃɑ:r-] adverb SUDDENLY 突然地 ADVANCED ■quickly and suddenly •Inflation has risen/fallen sharply.通货膨胀急遽上升/下降。 •His health improved/deteriorated sharply this week.本周他的健康情况迅速好转/恶化。 •The road bends sharply to the left.公路突然左转弯。 UK ['ʃɑ:.pli] US ['ʃɑ:r-] adverb ABLE TO CUT 能切断 ■in a way which will cut or make a hole 锋利地;尖尖地•a sharply pointed nail尖尖的指甲 ■severely and angrily 严厉地,尖刻地,尖锐地•a sharply-worded letter of complaint措词尖锐的投诉信 •He spoke sharply to his daughter.他训斥了女儿。 •The police have been sharply criticized for their handling of the affair.警方在这件事的处理上受到严厉批评。 UK ['ʃɑ:.pli] US ['ʃɑ:r-] adverb CLEARLY 清楚地 ■clearly and obviously 清楚地,明显地•a sharply focused photograph对焦准确的照片 •We have sharply differing views.我们的观点截然不同。 UK ['ʃɑ:.pli] US ['ʃɑ:r-] adverb FASHIONABLE 时髦的 ■in a fashionable way 时髦地•to be sharply dressed穿着时髦 UK ['ʃɑ:.pli] US ['ʃɑ:r-] adverb CLEVER 聪明的 ■quickly noticing things 敏锐地•Her ears are sharply attuned to her baby's cry.她的耳朵很尖,宝宝一哭她就能听到。 |