revolt UK [rɪ'vəʊlt/ UK [-'vɒlt] US [-'voʊlt] verb FIGHT 战斗 intransitive ■If a large number of people revolt, they refuse to be controlled or ruled, and take often violent action against authority 反抗;造反;反叛•The people revolted against foreign rule and established their own government.人们奋起反抗外来统治,并成立了自己的政府。 UK [rɪ'vəʊlt/ UK [-'vɒlt] US [-'voʊlt] verb UNPLEASANT FEELING 厌恶 transitive ■to make someone feel unpleasantly shocked or disgusted 使厌恶;使惊骇;使反感•We were revolted by the dirt and mess in her house.她家里又脏又乱,我们看着心里生厌。 •It revolts me to know that the world spends so much money on arms when millions are dying of hunger.这个世界有数以百万计的人因饥饿挣扎在死亡线上,但却有那么多的钱花在军备上,这真让我感到震惊。 ⇒ See also revulsion UK [rɪ'vəʊlt/ UK [-'vɒlt] US [-'voʊlt] noun countable or uncountable ■an attempt to get rid of a government by using violence 反抗;造反;反叛•Troops were called in to crush/put down the revolt.军队被调来镇压叛乱。 •The army is in revolt (against its commanders).军队叛乱(调转枪口指向了指挥官们)。 ⇒ See also revolution |