resonate ['rez.ən.eɪt] verb intransitive MAKE SOUND 发出共鸣 ■to produce, increase or fill with sound, by vibrating (= shaking) objects which are near 发出回响;发出共鸣;回荡•His voice resonated in the empty church.他的声音在空荡荡的教堂中回荡。 •The noise of the bell resonated through the building.铃声在大楼里回荡。 Compare resound ['rez.ən.eɪt] verb intransitive HAVE QUALITY/EFFECT 某种特质 ■to be filled with a particular quality 充满,弥漫(某种特质)•The building resonates with historic significance.这座房子一砖一瓦都富有历史意义。 ■to continue to have a powerful effect or value 流传;产生深远影响;继续发挥重要性•The significance of those great stories resonates down the centuries.这些著名故事的深远意义将世代流传。 ■If an experience or memory resonates, it makes you think of another similar one 使产生联想;引起共鸣•Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation.她的家庭生活环境和我相似,所以她的经历在我心中引起强烈共鸣。 |