resonant ['rez.ən.ənt] adjective SOUND 声音 ■clear and loud, or causing sounds to be clear and loud (声音)洪亮的,响亮的,回响的,回声的•a deep, resonant voice深沉而洪亮的嗓音 •a resonant concert hall共鸣效果好的音乐厅 ⇒ See also resound ['rez.ən.ənt] adjective QUALITY 特质 ■making you think of a similar experience or memory 引起共鸣的;引起联想的•We felt privileged to be the first group of Western visitors to enter the historic palace, resonant with past conflicts.步入这样一个有着重要历史意义、激起无数关于历史冲突的遐想的宫殿中,作为第一批来此参观的西方游客,我们深感荣幸。 |