reconcile ['rek.ən.saɪl] verb transitive ■to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are opposed to each other can agree and exist together 调和;调解;使一致•It is sometimes difficult to reconcile science and religion.有时很难调和宗教和科学之间的矛盾。 •It's difficult to reconcile such different points of view.差别如此悬殊的观点是很难达成一致的。 •How can you reconcile your fur coat and/with your love of animals?如果你爱动物,那怎么还穿毛皮大衣呢? be reconciled ■When two people are reconciled they become friendly again after they have argued 和解;和好;重归于好•They were finally reconciled with each other, after not speaking for nearly five years.他们差不多有五年的时间连话都不说,但最后终于重归于好。 ['rek.ən.saɪl] verb transitive Phrasal Verbs reconcile yourself to sth ■to accept a situation or fact although you do not like it 与…达成妥协;使甘心于;使顺从于•She must reconcile herself to the fact that she must do some work if she wants to pass her exams.她必须接受这样一个事实: 要想通过考试,就必须下点工夫学习。 |