ranking ['ræn.kɪŋ] noun countable ■a rank or level, for example in a competition 排名;名次;地位•Last year Wiseman rose from 266 to 35 in the tennis world rankings.去年怀斯曼在世界网坛的排名从第266位猛升至第35位。 •The city's housing costs were enough to earn it a ranking of 66th nationally.该市的高房价使之在全国城市中排名第66。 ['ræn.kɪŋ] adjective [before noun] US ■being the officer of highest rank present at a particular time (某一时候)地位最高的,最高级的•General Steinberger was the ranking officer present at the meeting.斯坦伯格将军是出席会议的级别最高的军官。 |