quality UK ['kwɒl.ɪ.ti] US ['kwɑ:.lə.tˌi] noun STANDARD 标准 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■how good or bad something is 质量,品级,品质•a shop advertising top quality electrical goods以高品质电器为口号的商店 •The food was of such poor/low quality.这种食品的品质很差。 •Their products are of very high quality.他们产品的品质很高。 •I only buy good-quality wine.我只买好酒。 •The quality of the picture on our television isn't very good.我们电视的画面品质不好。 ESSENTIAL uncountable ■a high standard 优质•He's not interested in quality. All he cares about is making money.他对品质的高低毫不在意,一心只是想赚钱。 quality of life ■the level of enjoyment, comfort and health in someone's life 生活质量,生活品质•My quality of life has improved tremendously since I moved to the country.移居该国以来,我的生活品质大幅提高。 UK ['kwɒl.ɪ.ti] US ['kwɑ:.lə.tˌi] noun CHARACTERISTIC 特点 ADVANCED countable ■a characteristic or feature of someone or something 品质;特性•leadership qualities领导者的素质 •He has a lot of good qualities but being organized isn't one of them.他有很多优点,但就是缺乏条理。 •[+ to infinitive] I don't think he has the right qualities to be a teacher.我认为他没有具备做老师的条件。 •This cheese has a rather rubbery quality to it (= it is like rubber).这种起司非常有弹性。 UK ['kwɒl.ɪ.ti] US ['kwɑ:.lə.tˌi] adjective [before noun] ■of a high standard 优质的,优良的,高级的•This is a quality product.这是高级产品。 •mainly UK The story received little coverage in the quality papers (= more serious newspapers).内容严肃的报纸几乎没有报导这一则新闻。 [after verb] informal ■very good 很好的•That gig was quality.那场演奏会很精彩。 |