pledge [pledʒ] noun countable ADVANCED ■a serious or formal promise, especially one to give money or to be a friend, or something that you give as a sign that you will keep a promise 誓言;诺言;保证•[+ to infinitive] All the candidates have given/made pledges not to raise taxes if they are elected.所有的候选人都保证当选后不增税。 •Thousands of people made pledges (= promised to give money) to the Children in Need charity campaign.数千人承诺捐款给救助儿童慈善运动。 •I give you this ring as a pledge of my everlasting love for you.我把这枚戒指送给你作为我永志不渝爱的信物。
[pledʒ] noun countable take/sign the pledge UK old-fashioned or humorous ■to make a formal promise to stop drinking alcohol 发誓戒酒•What's this then, you're only drinking orange juice - have you signed the pledge or something?这是怎么回事?你只喝柳橙汁——你是发过誓不再喝酒了,还是其他甚么原因? [pledʒ] verb transitive ADVANCED ■to make a serious or formal promise to give or do something 发誓;保证•We are asking people to pledge their support for our campaign.我们正请求人们承诺支持我们的运动。 •If you join the armed forces, you have to pledge allegiance to your country.如果从军,你必须宣誓效忠你的祖国。 •So far, £50 000 has been pledged (= people have promised to pay this amount) in response to the appeal.到目前为止,人们已承诺捐款五万英镑以回应这项呼吁。 •[+ to infinitive] Both sides have pledged to end the fighting.双方均已保证停战。 •I've been pledged to secrecy.我已发誓保守秘密。 |