medicine ['med.ɪ.sən] noun TREATMENT 治疗 ESSENTIAL uncountable ■treatment for illness or injury, or the study of this 医术;医学•paediatric/preventative medicine儿科/预防医学 •orthodox/Western medicine正统/西方医学 •a career in medicine行医生涯 •She is a doctor, but is unable to practise medicine (= work as a doctor) in her own country.她是位医生,却不能在自己的国家行医。 ['med.ɪ.sən] noun SUBSTANCE 物质 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■a substance, especially in the form of a liquid or a pill, which is a treatment for illness or injury 药,药物,药剂•cough medicine止咳药 •Take two spoonfuls of medicine at mealtimes.进餐时服药两调羹。 •She knows quite a lot about herbal medicines.她的草药知识丰富。 ['med.ɪ.sən] noun give sb a dose / taste of their own medicine ■to treat someone as badly as they have treated you 对(某人)以牙还牙 |