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单词 pick
释义 pick
[pɪk] verb
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to take some things and leave others; to choose 挑选;选择
Pick a card from the pack.从这副纸牌中挑出一张。
One of my sisters has been picked for the Olympic team.我的一个姐姐入选了奥运代表队。
[+ obj + to infinitive] She was picked to play for the team.她获选代表该队参赛。
The police asked him if he could pick (out) the killer from a series of photos.员警问他能否从一组照片中认出凶手。
The fairest way to decide the winner is to pick a name out of a hat / at random (= without looking or choosing).决定谁是优胜者最公平的办法是任意/随机选取一个名字。
They picked their way (= carefully chose a route) down the broken steps.他们小心翼翼地沿着断裂的台阶向下走。
He's brilliant at picking winners (= choosing what will be successful).他在判断谁能获胜这方面很有眼光。
pick and choose often disapproving
■to take some things but not others 挑三拣四;精挑细选
The richest universities can pick and choose which students they take.最有钱的大学可以对学生精挑细选。
[pɪk] verb
 ADVANCED  intransitive or transitive
■to remove separate things or small pieces from something, especially with the fingers 从…上剔除;采,摘
Machines pick the fruit (from/off the trees).机器把水果(从树上)摘下来。
I picked a piece of fluff off my shiny black suit.我从闪闪发亮的黑色套装上拔掉一根绒毛。
The child continued picking (at) a sore on his leg (= trying to remove parts of it with his fingers).那个孩子不停地抓他腿上的疮。
[+ obj + adj] The carcass had been picked clean (= all the flesh had been removed) by other animals and birds.动物尸体上的肉已被别的动物和鸟吃得干干净净。
disapproving He kept picking his nose (= removing mucus from it with his finger).他在不停地掏鼻孔。
■When you pick a string on a guitar or similar instrument, you pull it quickly and release it suddenly with your fingers to produce a note. 弹拨,弹奏(吉他等弦乐器)
[pɪk] verb
pick sb's brains
■to ask someone who knows a lot about a subject for information or their opinion 请教某人
I was picking Simon's brains about which computer to buy.我正请教西蒙该买哪台电脑。
[pɪk] verb
pick sb's pocket
■to steal small objects, especially money, from someone's pockets or bag 从(某人)的口袋里偷东西;扒窃
⇒ See also pickpocket
[pɪk] verb
pick yourself up off the floor
■to make improvements to your life after a bad period 振作起来;重整旗鼓
[pɪk] verb
pick a fight/quarrel/argument
■to start a fight/quarrel/argument with someone 寻衅,找麻烦
He'd had too much to drink and tried to pick a fight with the bartender.他酒喝得太多了,试图挑衅酒吧侍者。
[pɪk] verb
pick holes in sth disapproving
■to find mistakes in something someone has done or said, to show that it is not good or not correct 挑…的毛病,找…的漏洞;批评
[pɪk] verb
pick 'n' mix UK
■a system in a shop where you can choose a few of several different small things, especially sweets 自己选配(指在商店里挑选多种小商品,尤指糖果)
[pɪk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   pick at sth disapproving
■to eat only a little bit of your food, showing no interest or enjoyment while you eat it (因没胃口或不高兴而)一点一点地吃,挑挑拣拣地吃
Charles picked at his food in a bored fashion.查尔斯吃饭挑挑拣拣的,一点胃口也没有。
⇒ See also picky
[pɪk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] pick sb/sth off
■to shoot at one particular person, animal or vehicle which you have chosen from a group (有选择地)瞄准射中
The snipers picked the soldiers off one by one as they ran for cover.士兵们慌忙走避时,狙击手将他们逐个击毙。
■to take the best person or thing from a group 挑选最佳的人选或物件
It is relatively easy for newcomers to pick off the most lucrative business and ignore the rest.新来人员较易挑选最有利润的业务而忽略其他业务。
[pɪk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   pick on sb
■to criticize, punish or be unkind to the same person often and unfairly 找(某人)的漏洞;对(某人)刁难挑剔;找碴
He gets picked on by the other boys because he's so small.他因为个子小受到其他男孩欺负。
Why don't you pick on someone your own size ?你怎么不去欺负和你个头差不多的人?
pick on someone your own size
■said to someone who wants to fight a person who is smaller than them 找个个头和你差不多的人较量吧
Just leave me alone, will you? Why don't you go and pick on someone your own size?别惹我,好吗?你怎么不找一个个头和你差不多的呢?
[pɪk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] pick sb/sth out
■to recognize, find or make a choice among different people or things in a group 辨认出,分辨出;认真挑选出
Can you pick out the three deliberate mistakes in this paragraph?你能找出这一段三个故意犯的错误吗?
The critics picked him out as the outstanding male dancer of the decade.评论家把他评为十年来最杰出的男舞蹈家。
■to choose and emphasize, make clearer or highlight someone or something 强调;使突出;使显著
The ship's name was picked out in bright gold letters along her stern.在船的尾部,金色的船名清晰可见。
[pɪk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] pick sth out
■If you pick out a tune, you play it slowly or with difficulty, note by note (缓慢或困难地)弹奏(乐器)
I can pick out a simple tune on the piano, but that's about it.我能用钢琴弹奏简单的曲调,但仅此而已。
[pɪk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   pick over sth
■to look carefully at a group of things, choosing the ones you want or getting rid of the ones you do not want 挑拣;甄选,精选
All the clothes at the sale had been thoroughly picked over and there was nothing nice left.所有减价出售的衣服都被别人仔细挑过了,没剩下甚么好的了。
[pɪk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] pick sb/sth up
■to lift someone or something using your hands 举起;抱起;提起
If she starts to cry, pick her up and give her a cuddle.如果她哭了的话,把她抱起来搂一搂。
I picked up the kids' clothes that were lying on the floor.我把地上孩子的衣服捡了起来。
I went to pick up the phone/receiver, but it had stopped ringing.我去接电话,但已经不响了。
■to collect, or to go and get, someone or something 接(某人);取(某物)
When you're in town could you pick up the books I ordered?你进城时能帮我取一下我订购的书吗?
Whose turn is it to pick the children up after school?该谁去接放学的孩子?
The crew of the sinking tanker were picked up (= saved from the sea) by helicopter.油轮不断下沉,船上的船员都被直升机救了上来。
[pɪk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] pick sth up
■to learn a new skill or language by practising it rather than being taught it (透过练习而)学会
Don't bother with the computer manual - you'll pick it up as you go along.别费神看电脑手册了——练练就会了。
When you live in a country you soon pick up the language.如果你住在某个国家的话,很快就能学会该国的语言。
■to learn interesting or useful information from someone or something 获悉;得知
The nurse had picked up the information from a conversation she overheard.护士是从偶然听到的谈话中得知这个消息的。
■to buy something cheaply (便宜地)买到
She picked up some real bargains in the sale.她在特价时买了几样非常便宜的东西。
■to win or get a prize or something that gives you an advantage, such as votes or support 赢得,获得(奖品、选票或支持)
The People's Front expect to pick up a lot more votes in this year's elections.人民阵线期望今年大选中获得的选票将能大幅增加。
■(of a piece of electrical equipment) to receive a signal (电子设备)接收(讯号)
Can you pick up (= receive broadcasts from) Moscow on your radio?你的收音机能收到莫斯科的广播吗?
■to notice and react to something 注意到;察觉;看到
Police dogs picked up the scent of the two men from clothes they had left behind.警犬从那两名男子留下的衣服上闻出了他们的气味。
■to catch an illness from someone or something, caused by bacteria or a virus 感染病毒;得了…病
He picked up malaria when he was visiting the country on business.他到该国出差时染上了疟疾。
pick up the phone informal
■to make a telephone call to someone 打电话
If you need me, you just have to pick up the phone.需要我的话,打个电话给我就可以了。
pick up the bill/tab (US also pick up the check) informal
■to pay for what has been bought, especially a meal in a restaurant (尤指在餐厅)付帐
pick up the pieces
■to try to return to a satisfactory situation 重整旗鼓;力求恢复正常
The fire was a blow, but we were determined to pick up the pieces and get the business back on its feet.火灾是个打击,但我们决心重整旗鼓,恢复经营。
pick up the thread(s)
■to start again after an interruption (中断后)恢复,继续
Picking up the threads of our discussion, let's return to the topic of factory farming.继续我们的讨论,还是回到工厂化农业的话题吧。
[pɪk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] pick (sth) up
■to start again after an interruption; to return to something 重新开始,继续
The author picks the same theme up again on page ten.作者在第十页又再次谈到那个主题。
After lunch shall we pick up where we left off yesterday?午餐后我们接着昨天的话题谈下去好吗?
[pɪk] verbpick 1




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