peal [pi:l] verb intransitive ■When bells peal, they ring with a loud sound (铃)大声鸣响•After their wedding the bells pealed out from the tower.他们的婚礼结束后塔楼里传出了钟声。 [pi:l] noun countable ■a long loud sound or series of sounds, especially of laughter or thunder 连续洪亮的响声,隆隆声(尤指笑声或雷声)•Her suggestion was met with peals of laughter.她的建议引来了阵阵哄堂大笑。 •A loud peal of thunder woke him from restless sleep.一阵隆隆的雷声使他从不安稳的睡梦中惊醒。 ■a long loud ring 大声鸣响•When we heard the peal of (the) bells, we knew a truce had been declared.当我们听到钟声时,就知道已经宣告停战了。 |