page [peɪdʒ] noun countable PAPER 纸 ESSENTIAL (written abbreviation p) ■a side of one of the pieces of paper in a book, newspaper or magazine, usually with a number printed on it (书或报纸杂志的)页,面•For details on how to enter the competition, see page 134.关于如何参加比赛的细则,请参见第134页。 •The article appeared on the front page of the Guardian.这篇文章刊登在《卫报》的头版。 ESSENTIAL (written abbreviation p) ■one of the sheets of paper in a book, newspaper or magazine (书或报纸、杂志中纸的)一页,一张•Several pages have been torn out of this book.这本书有好几页被撕掉了。 [peɪdʒ] noun countable COMPUTER 电脑 (also web page) ■one part of a website (网际网路的)网页 ⇒ See also home page [peɪdʒ] noun countable BOY 男孩 ■(in the past) a boy who worked as a servant for a knight and who was learning to become a knight (旧时骑士身边的)见习骑士 Compare pageboy [peɪdʒ] noun countable page in/of history literary ■an important part of the history of a place, time or group of people 历史上的一页•The signing of the peace treaty will be seen as a glorious page in our country's history.和平条约的签订将被视为我国历史上光辉的一页。 [peɪdʒ] verb transitive ■to call a person using a loudspeaker (= an electric device for making sounds louder) in a public place (用扩音器在公共场合)呼叫(某人)•He was paged at the airport and told to return home immediately.机场扩音器传出了呼叫他的广播,叫他立刻回家。 ■to send a message to someone's pager (= small piece of electronic equipment that receives signals) 给某人的呼叫器留言•Have you tried to page him?你试过拨他的呼叫器吗? |