original [ə'rɪdʒ.ɪ.nəl] adjective FIRST MADE 原先的 ESSENTIAL [before noun] ■existing since the beginning, or being the earliest form of something 起初的;原先的;最早的•Is this the original fireplace?这是原先的壁炉吗? •The gardens have recently been restored to their original glory.这些园林最近恢复了原先的辉煌。 ESSENTIAL [before noun] ■describes a piece of work, such as a painting, etc. produced by the artist and not a copy 原作的;真迹的;非赝品的•an original drawing/manuscript原画/稿 •Is this an original Rembrandt (= Was it painted by him) ?这是伦勃朗的原作吗? [ə'rɪdʒ.ɪ.nəl] adjective DIFFERENT 不同的 mainly approving ■not the same as anything or anyone else and therefore special and interesting 独创的;有创意的;新颖的•original ideas/suggestions/work新颖的观点/独到的建议/独创性的工作成果 •She's a highly original young designer.她是个很有创意的年轻设计师。 Opposite unoriginal [ə'rɪdʒ.ɪ.nəl] noun countable ESSENTIAL ■the first one made and not a copy 原版;原件;原本;原稿•Can you let me have the original of your report? I can't read this photocopy.能把你报告的原件给我吗?我看不清这份影印本。 ESSENTIAL ■a piece of work by a famous artist or designer and not a copy by someone else 原作;真迹;真品•If the painting is an original, it will be very valuable.如果这幅画是原作,会非常值钱。 in the original ■If you read something in the original, you read it in the language in which it was first written. 用原著的语言,以原文 |