opening UK ['əʊ.pən.ɪŋ] US ['oʊp.nɪŋ] noun HOLE 孔 IMPROVER countable ■a hole or space that something or someone can pass through 洞;孔;开口•The children crawled through an opening in the fence.孩子们从篱笆上的一个缺口里爬了过去。 UK ['əʊ.pən.ɪŋ] US ['oʊp.nɪŋ] noun CEREMONY 仪式 IMPROVER countable usually singular ■a ceremony at the beginning of an event or activity (某一事件或活动的)开幕仪式•The official opening of the new school will take place next month.这所新学校将于下月正式启用。 UK ['əʊ.pən.ɪŋ] US ['oʊp.nɪŋ] noun BEGINNING 开始 ADVANCED countable usually singular ■the beginning of something 开始,开头,开端•The opening of the novel is amazing.这部小说开篇惊人。 countable ■the beginning of a game of chess 国际象棋的开局•If you want to get anywhere in chess, you have to study the various openings.想下好国际象棋的话,你就必须学习各种开局方式。 UK ['əʊ.pən.ɪŋ] US ['oʊp.nɪŋ] noun OPPORTUNITY 机会 ADVANCED countable ■a job or an opportunity to do something (职位的)空缺;机会,机遇•There's an opening for an editorial assistant in our department.我们部门有个编辑助理的职位空缺。 UK ['əʊ.pən.ɪŋ] US ['oʊp.nɪŋ] adjective [before noun] IMPROVER ■happening at the beginning of an event or activity 开始的•her opening remarks她的开场白 •the opening night首演/映之夜 |