office UK ['ɒf.ɪs] US ['ɑ:.fɪs] noun WORK ROOM 办公室 ESSENTIAL countable ■a room or part of a building in which people work, especially sitting at tables with computers, telephones, etc., usually as a part of a business or other organization 办公室;办公楼•the director's office经理办公室 •office equipment办公设备 •I didn't leave the office until eight o'clock last night.昨晚我直到8点钟才离开办公室。 •office workers办公室工作人员 ESSENTIAL countable ■a part of a company 办事处;事务所•They've got offices in Paris, London and Madrid.他们在巴黎、伦敦和马德里都设有办事处。 UK ['ɒf.ɪs] US ['ɑ:.fɪs] noun RESPONSIBILITY 责任 countable or uncountable ■a position of authority and responsibility in a government or other organization 官职;公职;职务;职责•the office of vice-president副总统职位 •As chairman of the association, he held office for over twenty years.他担任该协会的主席一职长达20多年。 •The Socialist party have been in office (= governing) [ out of office (= not governing) for almost ten years.社会党执政/在野已近10年了。 •She's held various offices during her time as a minister.她担任部长期间身负多项职责。 |