noise [nɔɪz] noun SOUND 声音 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■(a) sound, especially when it is not wanted, unpleasant or loud 噪声;杂音;嘈杂声;喧闹声•The noise out in the street was deafening.外面街道上的喧闹声震耳欲聋。 •I heard a loud noise and ran to the window.我听见一声巨响,于是向窗户跑去。 •traffic/background noise交通噪音/背景杂音 •dangerously high noise levels达到危险水准的高噪音级 [nɔɪz] noun SIGNAL 信号 uncountable specialized ■any bad change in a signal, especially in a signal produced by an electronic device (尤指电子设备的)干扰,干扰讯号•Using a single chip reduces (the) noise on the output signal by 90%.使用单晶片可使对输出信号的干扰降低90%。 [nɔɪz] noun make (all) the right / correct , etc. noises UK ■to say the things you are expected to say, sometimes when you do not mean them 故作踊跃;随声附和•He made all the right noises about my audition but I couldn't tell if he was genuinely impressed.他不停说我的试唱好,但我判断不出他是否真的这样觉得。 [nɔɪz] noun make a noise about sth informal ■to talk about or complain about something a lot 对…说个不停;不停地抱怨•She's been making a lot of noise about moving to a new house.她一直唠叨要搬新家的事。 [nɔɪz] noun make noises UK informal ■to show what you think or feel by what you say, without stating it directly (在言语间)透露,暗示;放出风声•She made very positive noises at the interview about me getting the job.她在面试中明确暗示我能获得这份工作。 (also make a noise) ■to complain or make trouble 抱怨;惹麻烦•If things start going badly again, our members are sure to make noises.如果事态再次恶化,我们的成员肯定会抱怨。 |