night [naɪt] noun DARK PERIOD 黑暗的时段 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■the part of every 24-hour period when it is dark because there is very little light from the sun 夜晚,夜间,黑夜•It gets cold at night.夜间天气转凉。 •I slept really badly last night.我昨晚睡得很不好。 •I spent the night at Ted's.我在特德家里过夜。 •He took the night ferry/train.他搭乘了夜班渡轮/火车。 [naɪt] noun EVENING 晚上 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■the period of time between the late afternoon and going to bed; the evening 晚上(指傍晚至就寝前的时段)•Shall we go dancing on Saturday night?我们周六晚去跳舞好吗? •We've been out every night this week.我们这个星期每天晚上都出去。 •She's a singer in a bar by night and a secretary by day.她晚上在酒吧唱歌,白天则从事秘书工作。 ESSENTIAL only singular ■the evening on which a special event happens (特殊活动之)夜•When's the last night of your show?你甚么时候演最后一场? •The first/opening night of her new film was a great success.她的新电影首映相当成功。 night-night child's expression ■used as another way of saying good night , usually by or to children 晚安 the other night ■on one evening recently (最近的)一天晚上•I saw Naomi at the club the other night.我前几天晚上在俱乐部见到了娜奥美。 a night out ■an evening spent at a restaurant, theatre, etc. rather than staying at home 外出玩乐的夜晚•Let's have a night out together on Saturday - we could go dancing.我们星期六晚一起出去玩吧——我们可以去跳舞。 [naɪt] noun night after night ■every night 每夜•The howling of wild animals kept him awake night after night.野兽的嗥叫使他每晚都睡不着觉。 ■every evening 每晚•She stayed in night after night, waiting for him to call.她每晚都呆在家里,等他的电话。 [naɪt] noun night and day (also day and night) ■all the time 夜以继日,日夜不停•They've worked night and day to publicise their campaign.他们日以继夜地为自己的活动做宣传。 [naɪt] noun a night on the town ■an evening when you go to various places and enjoy entertainment such as dancing, eating in a restaurant and drinking in a bar 在外玩乐的夜晚,狂欢之夜•Let's have/go for a night on the town to celebrate.让我们狂欢一夜以示庆祝吧。 |