grief [gri:f] noun countable or uncountable IMPROVER ■very great sadness, especially at the death of someone (尤指某人之死引起的)悲痛,悲伤,悲哀•Her grief at her son's death was terrible.丧子之痛使她肝肠寸断。 •Newspapers should not intrude on people's private grief.报纸不应再去侵扰那些正承受丧亲之痛的人们。 •newspaper pictures of grief -stricken relatives报纸上刊登的悲痛欲绝的亲属的照片 come to grief ■to suddenly fail in what you are doing, often because you have an accident (常因事故而突然)惨遭失败;遭受不幸•The Italian champion was in second position when he came to grief on the third lap.跑到第三圈时,处在第二位置上的义大利卫冕冠军突然马失前蹄。 give sb grief informal ■to criticize someone angrily 怒斥(某人);责骂(某人) get grief informal ■to be criticized angrily 被怒斥;挨骂•I got a load of grief off Esther because I was ten minutes late.我因为迟到十分钟被埃丝特臭骂一顿。 |