mileage ['maɪ.lɪdʒ] noun uncountable DISTANCE TRAVELLED 距离 ■the distance that a vehicle has travelled or the distance that it can travel using a particular amount of fuel 英里数;英里里程;某固定油量的行车里程•'What's the mileage on your car?' 'Oh, about 40 000'.“你的车跑了多少英里了?”“哦,大约四万了。” •Smaller cars have better mileage and so cost less to run.汽车越小,同等油耗下跑的里程就越远,因此使用成本也越低。 ['maɪ.lɪdʒ] noun uncountable MONEY FOR TRAVEL 交通费 (also mileage allowance) ■the amount of money that you are paid or that you must pay for each mile you travel 按英里计算的交通补贴;按英里计算的收费•The car costs £30 a day to rent, but you get unlimited mileage (= no charge for the miles travelled).租一辆汽车每天的费用是30英镑,但不限里程数。 ['maɪ.lɪdʒ] noun uncountable ADVANTAGE 好处 informal ■the advantage that you can get from a situation 利益;好处•There's no mileage in complaining to the Director - she'll just ignore you.向主任投诉没有用——她根本不会理你。 •political mileage政治利益 |