memoir UK ['mem.wɑ:r] US [-wɑ:r] noun countable ■a book or other piece of writing based on the writer's personal knowledge of famous people, places or events 传记,传略•She has written a memoir of her encounters with W.H. Auden over the years.她写了一本传记,记述了自己多年来与维斯敦‧休‧奥登的交往。 memoirs [plural] (US also memoir) ■a written record of a usually famous person's own life and experiences 回忆录;自传•She plans to write her memoirs.她计划写自传。 •Waugh's first volume of memoirs dealt with his childhood and youth.渥夫的回忆录第一册写的是他的童年和青年时代。 |