avail [ə'veɪl] noun uncountable ■use, purpose, advantage, or profit 效用;帮助;利益•We tried to persuade her not to resign, but to no avail (= did not succeed).我们力劝她不要辞职,可她不听。 •My attempts to improve the situation were of little/no avail.我竭力扭转局面,但是收效甚微/徒劳无功。 [ə'veɪl] verb transitive old use ■to help or be useful to someone or something (对某人或某物)有帮助;有用•Our efforts availed us nothing (= did not help).我们的努力全是白费。 [ə'veɪl] verb transitive old use Phrasal Verbs [R] avail yourself of sth formal ■to use something to your advantage or good 利用•Employees should avail themselves of the opportunity to buy cheap shares in the company.雇员应利用这次机会低价认购公司股份。 |