释义 |
lime [laɪm] noun FRUIT 水果 countable or uncountable ■a round fruit containing a lot of juice which is sour like a lemon but smaller and green, or the small Asian tree on which this fruit grows 酸橙(树) [laɪm] noun TREE 树 (also lime tree) (US usually linden) ■a large tree with leaves shaped like a heart and pale yellow flowers 欧椴树,菩提树 [laɪm] noun CHEMICAL 化学品 uncountable (also quicklime) ■a white powdery substance which is used especially to spread on the land to improve the quality of earth so that crops grow better 石灰 uncountable (also limescale) (or scale) ■white material that collects inside water pipes, kettles , etc. in areas where the water is hard (= contains a lot of natural chemicals) 水垢(一种在水管、水壶等中积累的白色物质,通常存在于水质较硬并含有丰富天然化学物质的水中) [laɪm] verb transitive ■to spread the substance lime on a piece of land 撒石灰于 |