lightweight ['laɪt.weɪt] adjective NOT HEAVY 不重的 ■weighing only a little or less than average 较轻的,轻量的•I need a lightweight jacket for the summer evenings.我需要一件夏天晚上穿的薄外套。 ['laɪt.weɪt] adjective NOT SERIOUS 不严肃 disapproving ■not showing deep understanding or knowledge of any subject 肤浅的,理解不深的•She's the author of some fairly lightweight historical novels.她写了几部内容相当肤浅的历史小说。 ['laɪt.weɪt] noun countable SPORTS PERSON 运动员 ■in some sports, including boxing , a person whose weight is between featherweight and welterweight 轻量级运动员 Compare heavyweight ['laɪt.weɪt] noun countable NOT SERIOUS 不严肃 disapproving ■a person whose work in a particular area of activity does not show a deep understanding or knowledge of that subject 一知半解的人,理解不深的人•In certain circles he has been dismissed as a literary lightweight.在某些圈子里,他被斥为对文学一知半解而遭到排斥。 |