liaison UK [li'eɪ.zɒn] US [-zɑ:n] noun LINK BETWEEN 联系 [S or U] ■communication between people or groups who work with each other 联络,联系,沟通•He blamed the lack of liaison between the various government departments.他指责各个政府部门之间缺乏沟通。 •The police have appointed a liaison officer to work with the local community.警方已指派了一名联络官与当地社区进行合作。 countable mainly US ■someone who helps groups to work effectively with each other 联络官,联络人•She served as a liaison between the different groups.她充当各团体之间的联络人。 UK [li'eɪ.zɒn] US [-zɑ:n] noun RELATIONSHIP 关系 countable formal ■a sexual relationship, especially between two people not married to each other (尤指婚外的)性关系;私通;婚外情•He's had a number of liaisons.他已发生了好几段婚外情。 |