legal ['li:.gəl] adjective ESSENTIAL ■connected with the law 法律的,法律上的,法律方面的•legal advice法律建议 •a legal obligation/requirement法律义务/要求 •legal status法律地位 •your legal rights你的法定权利 •legal action/proceedings法律行动/程式 •my legal representatives (= my lawyers)我的法律代表 ESSENTIAL ■allowed by the law 合法的,符合法律的•Is abortion legal in your country?堕胎在你们国家是否合法? Opposite illegal ['li:.gəl] adjective make legal history ■If you make legal history, the case you win in court or take to court is the first of its type and changes the way future cases will be dealt with. 开创法律历史,成为法律范例 |