involved UK [ɪn'vɒlvd] US [-'vɑ:lvd] adjective DIFFICULT 困难的 ■complicated; not simple and therefore difficult to understand 复杂的,复杂难懂的•an involved reason/excuse/argument复杂的原因/借口/论据 •The plot of the film was too involved - I couldn't understand it.这部影片的情节过分复杂——我看不懂。 UK [ɪn'vɒlvd] US [-'vɑ:lvd] adjective EMOTIONAL 感情的 ■being in a close relationship with someone 与…关系亲密的•emotionally/romantically involved产生感情的/堕入情网的 •Try not to become too emotionally involved with the children in your care.尽量不要对你所照顾的孩子过于牵肠挂肚。 |