email (also e-mail) ['i:.meɪl] noun ESSENTIAL uncountable ■the system for using computers to send messages over the Internet 电子邮件系统•You can contact us by email or fax.你可以透过电子邮件或者传真联系我们。 •What's your email address ?你的电子邮件地址是甚么? ESSENTIAL countable ■a message or document sent using this system 电子邮件•I got an email from Danielle last week.我上周收到丹妮尔的一封电子邮件。 (also e-mail) ['i:.meɪl] verb transitive IMPROVER ■to send an email to someone 给…发电子邮件•Email me when you've got time.有空发电子邮件给我。 •[+ two objects] Has he emailed you that list of addresses yet?他把通讯录用电子邮件发给你了吗? |