interpreter UK [ɪn'tɜ:.prɪ.tər] US [-'tɝ:.prɪ.tˌɚ] noun countable BETWEEN LANGUAGES 不同语言之间 ■someone whose job is to change what someone else is saying into another language 口译员•She works as an interpreter in Brussels.她在布鲁塞尔做口译员。 •Speaking through an interpreter, the president said the terms of the ceasefire were completely unacceptable.透过口译员的翻译,总统说该停火条件完全不能接受。 ■specialized ■a computer program that changes the instructions in another program into a form that can be easily understood by a computer (电脑)解译程式 UK [ɪn'tɜ:.prɪ.tər] US [-'tɝ:.prɪ.tˌɚ] noun countable EXPRESSING 表达 ■someone who performs a piece of music or a part in a play, etc. in a way that expresses their own ideas about its meaning (音乐或戏剧的)表演者;演绎者(以自己的理解方式表演)•He's a noted interpreter of traditional Irish music.他是爱尔兰传统音乐的著名演绎者。 |