humour UK (ALSO US humor) UK ['hju:.mər] US [-mɚ] noun AMUSEMENT 娱乐 IMPROVER uncountable ■the ability to find things funny, the way in which people see that some things are funny or the quality of being funny 幽默;滑稽•He's got a great sense of humour (= he is very able to see things as funny).他很有幽默感。 •I must say I find his schoolboy (= childish) humour rather tiresome.我必须说他那种幼稚的滑稽令人很厌烦。 UK (ALSO US humor) UK ['hju:.mər] US [-mɚ] noun MOOD 情绪 countable or uncountable formal ■the state of your feelings; mood 心情;情绪;精神状态•You seem in a very good humour today.你今天看起来心情很好。 UK (ALSO US humor) UK ['hju:.mər] US [-mɚ] verb transitive ■to do what someone wants so that they do not become annoyed or upset 迁就;迎合•I applied for the job just to humour my parents.我申请那份工作只是在顺从我父母的意愿。 |