hive [haɪv] noun BEES 蜜蜂 countable [+ sing/pl verb] ■a structure where bees live, especially a beehive (= container like a box) or the group of bees living there 蜂巢,蜂窝;蜂群 [haɪv] noun SKIN CONDITION 皮肤状况 hives uncountable ■a condition in which a person's skin develops red raised areas 荨麻疹•She broke out in hives after eating strawberries.她吃过草莓之后,身上就起了疹子。 [haɪv] noun a hive of activity/industry ■a place where a lot of people are working very hard 繁忙的场所;忙碌的地方•The whole house was a hive of activity on the day before the wedding.婚礼的前一天,整幢房子里一派忙碌的景象。 [haɪv] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] hive sth off UK ■to separate one part of a company, usually by selling it (通常指透过出售)分离(公司的某部分)•The plan is to hive off individual companies as soon as they are profitable.该计划就是一旦某个公司开始获利,就将其分立出去。 |