armour UK (ALSO US armor) UK ['ɑ:.mər] US ['ɑ:r.mɚ] noun uncountable ADVANCED ■strong protective covering, especially for the body 盔甲;(尤指护身的)铠甲•Police put on body armour before confronting the rioters.员警镇压暴徒前穿上了防弹衣。 •In the past, knights used to wear suits of armour (= protective covering made of metal) in battle.在过去,骑士作战时身穿甲胄。 •These grenades are able to pierce the armour of tanks.这些手榴弹可以炸穿坦克的装甲。 ■military vehicles that are covered in strong metal to protect them from attack 装甲车辆;装甲部队•The troops were backed by tanks, artillery and other heavy armour.部队有坦克、大炮以及其他的重型装甲战车作后盾。 |