释义 |
sow verb UK [səʊ] US [soʊ] (sowed, sown or sowed) PLANT 种植 ADVANCED intransitive or transitive ■to put seeds in or on the ground so that plants will grow 播种,种•Sow the seeds in pots.把这些种子种在花盆里。 •We'll sow this field with barley.我们将在这块田里播种大麦。 verb UK [səʊ] US [soʊ] (sowed, sown or sowed) CAUSE 起因 transitive ■to cause a bad emotion or condition to begin somewhere, which will grow or continue 引起,导致;煽动•Now that you've sown doubts in my mind, I'll never be sure I can trust him.既然你已经使我心存疑虑,我想我很难再信任他了。 verb UK [səʊ] US [soʊ] (sowed, sown or sowed) As ye sow , so shall ye reap. literary saying ■used to mean that the way you behave in life will affect the treatment you will receive from others 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 verb UK [səʊ] US [soʊ] (sowed, sown or sowed) sow your wild oats ■If a young man sows his wild oats, he has a period of his life when he does a lot of exciting things and has a lot of sexual relationships. (年轻男子)过放荡的生活 verb UK [səʊ] US [soʊ] (sowed, sown or sowed) sow the seeds of sth ■to do something that will cause something to happen in the future 播下…的种子,种下…的祸根•He's sowing the seeds of his own downfall.他这是在为自己的垮台埋下祸根。 |