argument UK ['ɑ:g.jʊ.mənt] US ['ɑ:rg-] noun countable or uncountable DISAGREEMENT 争执 ESSENTIAL ■a disagreement, or the process of disagreeing 争论;争吵;争辩;争执•The children had an argument about/over what game to play.那群孩子为了玩哪个游戏吵了起来。 •He got into an argument with Jeff in the pub last night.昨晚他和杰夫在酒馆里起了争执。 •A decision was finally made after some heated argument.经过激烈的争辩,最终作出了一项决定。 UK ['ɑ:g.jʊ.mənt] US ['ɑ:rg-] noun countable or uncountable REASON 理由 ESSENTIAL ■a reason or reasons why you support or oppose an idea or suggestion, or the process of explaining them 理由,论据,论点;论证,说理•Now that we've heard all the arguments for and against the proposal, shall we vote on it?支持和反对这项提议的所有理由我们都已经听过了,是否可以对此进行表决了? •[+ that] Her husband was not convinced by her argument that they needed a bigger house.她提出理由说他们需要一个比较大的房子,但是她的丈夫没有被说服。 •I don't think that's a very strong/convincing/powerful argument.我认为这个论点不太站得住脚/令人信服/有说服力。 •The central argument (= main point) of the book is that some of the plays were not written by Shakespeare.这本书的中心论点是,有几个剧本并非出自莎士比亚之手。 |